Space, Time, and Matter Introduction
Space, Time, and Matter are the home
of our existence.
The universal shape within these dimensions of existence is the sphere. As the sphere is in motion, (time defines motion) the spiral orbital pattern is the basic structure of that shape. Motion and mass as perceived in the spiral orbital pattern suggest a bipolar structuring event. The bipolar event of energy is synergy and entropy. The bipolar event of mass in motion is gravity and momentum. An energized mass in motion is electrically charged.
The proto-sphere which we will use as a model of universal organization, is then: a spheroid ( an irregular spherical mass, made irregular by motion and time ) possessing the properties of synergy, entropy, gravity, momentum and an equipotentializing electric charge.
The protospherical model seems to be appropriate to sub-atomic elements as well as matter building to the planetary scale and on to galactic and universal. Therefore in DYNAMICA we will try to visualize our worlds on a shsperical model. To be more exact a protosphereoid.
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