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TV Series



Actors letter,
I am in pre-production of a TV series titled "Art House Conspiracies," to be produced in New York. As a long time Indie movie maker, building the vision early is part of my process of communicating with potential partners. I would like to include your photo or photos, name, and in some cases a link to your website or backstage listing, as part of the suggested actors' pool. If you agree that I may use your professional information in this limited capacity, reply to this email with the statement:

I (your full name) agree that Glen River may use my photos, name, and professional contact information such as website link and/or backstage listing for publication at his website presenting potential players in the TV series "Art House Conspiracies." Furthermore, I understand that there is no guarantee that I will be cast in a part.

Dear Ash Yoonji Reem,

Having visited your website several times and being impressed by your skills and talent, I would like to introduce myself. I am also an artist who makes movies. Things we have in common is that we both have a direct practical outlook and enjoy learning many aspects of movie making. I do hope we may become creative friends. I am developing a project you may find interesting. Art House Conspiracies is a 60min TV drama series I am putting together.

If you like the project and think being associated with me as a "creative friend" is a good step toward sharing movie making communication, then we have a start. It is early days for this project and I cannot offer parts or jobs yet. Just starting to talk to people. If you agree to our start in becoming "creative friends" then I would ask you to help me with the project.

At the project website on the page About The Characters , I would like permission to show some of your pictures as the actress I see as the character Kwon. The text under the pictures might say, "When I think of Kwon, I think of my creative friend Ash Yoobji Reem. She's so beautiful and talented my thoughts immediately go to her." I could include a link to your website.

I believe this could serve us both. I get to show people who I think Kwon should be, and you would get some publicity. In the event another actress ends up with this part, there are other jobs on this project. Let me know what you think.

Glen River

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