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All scripts are copy protected by Library Of Congress © and/or Writers Guild of America Registration


Art Drama Characters

John (the master)

The Art Group

Chandra appears to be a new age flower child. She is wrapped in trappings of Hindu, Sufi and yogic traditions. Her art includes mystic symbols and abstract references to other dimensional realities.

Bobby is a veteran dealing with PTSD. His talent for art has him seeking art therapy.

Atlanta has been an artists model for many years. A landscape painter, she has branched out into abstract art. She is a very practical person with no nonsense attitude and a suspicion about technology.

Maye has talent in all areas and a very intuitive core. Her grandfather was a member of the Lincoln brigade. Her mother was A Peace Corps volunteer. She was raised with social activism as part of her family history. She believes that knowledge is a weapon to be used for good.




The Cops Group

Matilda - Marco's Partner
Marco - Matilda's Partner
Chief Barka
Psych Profiler - Monica Miller
Forensics Manager - Jasmine Kane
DA assistant
Mayor's Assistant - Roberto Sanchez
FBI SA Anderson
Black Ops Corp - Broderick Anderson

Associated individuals

V Bill Nash


EP 1 Killer
Career Criminal
Vendetta Criminal
Professional Killer
Professional Goon
Substance Related
Target Obsessed
True Believer


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© 2006 Glen River Publications

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All scripts are copy protected by Library Of Congress © and/or Writers Guild of America Registration


Art Drama Characters

John (the master)
John is an artist remarkable for amazing learning abilities and determined focus. He has a small group of working artists who’s gatherings he lends his leadership to. They have become an extended family. John’s ability to focus express is it self in interviews as a figure of trust. His stillness while listening makes everyone feel their story is heard. He becomes known to the Metropolitan police as a valuable advisor.

As John adjusts to working with police, he spends less time on location and relies on their abilities to relay necessary information. This is periodically interrupted by his need for a response to vital and eminent circumstances.

When confronted by threats and risk he responds by developing specialized bullet proof garments for Kwan. He also learns combat tactics and shooting skills. Matilda teachers him to shoot. Albert the tech expert helps John set up a communications center dedicated to his crime cases. John develops an interactive online crime case game to organize his thoughts on each developing case. This is compared and in contrast to old school white board overview. At some point John's "game" becomes an AI with personality.

John’s visions are an integral part of displaying and interpreting his reactions and process of analysis and development. They occur both in real time as reactions to events and as dream sequences.

John Noticing Details of individual
John noticing Details of location
John reacting to individual
John reading energy
John noticing details of victims
Dreamscape in trans
Dreamscape in sleep
Vision quest
Spontaneous vision
Association flashers
Disturbed images
Violent associations
Artwork references
Logical stream of thought symbolic references
Dialogue interrupted symbolic references

Kwan is John's life long friend and companion. She is a martial arts expert in addition to being a fine artist. She is often viewed as his bodyguard. She is much more. Her father is Master Bong Yu-jun, Sense’ of the Brooklyn Dojo of combat Karate. She was actually John’s art teacher. It was’t long before the student, John became the master. They also had a spiritual connection which was expressed as extreme confidence. She saw the need for communication so she became John’s assistant. You might think that Kwan had some slavish devotion to John, but that was’t it. It was a recognition of a vision John held. She saw the vision two, and agreed with it.

The Art Group

Lester is a drop out art student who really knew his stuff. Though a brilliant talent, he had never picked himself up from the conclusion that the art scene was a closed society of thieves who’s only interest was influence peddling, till he met John. No doors were ever opened for him. In his rejection and the accompanying rage, he’d destroyed himself rather than becoming the thing he hated. Now John showed him the effortless solution of finding recognition in the act of creation. The simple discovery of beauty was so absorbing and rewarding that his anger was only a shadow of his own misunderstanding. Lester was serene in his joy of fulfillment. His hand eye, mind and heart had finally resolved into one being.

Leonard was willing to make any sacrifice to become a great artist. John was trying to demonstrate that the path to the state of grace each artist seeks, was made in small increments. Only after many uncounted increments massed did the gestalt of holistic vision occur. What Leonard didn’t understand he took on faith.

David was part of the rising star, self produced, media ready, go go-geters who thrived in the industry of professional art. The crew gig with John took a little stepping down for his ego. But underneath his embrace of showmanship and ballyhoo, David believed in profound art. He also believed that he must earn the foremost position in his field. He knew he had to do this with the attainment of knowledge. David was not an art dandy. He was a shark. His killer instinct was directed onto the canvas. His embrace of the fluff and pseudo realms was just light entertainment.

Alice had low self esteem. Physical beauty weighted toward sexual attractiveness made both woman and men relate first to her as an object. She knew most of the touted king pins of the art world. One of the benefits of her beauty was the constant opening of doors. She had no illusions of how they regarded her. They never dreamed that within her desirable package was the savage heart of an artist. She had purposefully remained quiet about her skills in painting. She knew better than to swim against the tide of appearances.

Chandra appears to be a new age flower child. She is wrapped in trappings of Hindu, Sufi and yogic traditions. Her art includes mystic symbols and abstract references to other dimensional realities.

Bobby is a veteran dealing with PTSD. His talent for art has him seeking art therapy.

Atlanta has been an artists model for many years. A landscape painter, she has branched out into abstract art. She is a very practical person with no nonsense attitude and a suspicion about technology.

Maye has talent in all areas and a very intuitive core. Her grandfather was a member of the Lincoln brigade. Her mother was A Peace Corps volunteer. She was raised with social activism as part of her family history. She believes that knowledge is a weapon to be used for good.




The Cops Group

Matilda - Marco's Partner
Matilda‘s mother and father were murdered in a gang war. This past shapes her defensive and aggressive response to any threat. She is viewed by her partner Marco, as a reckless officer who endangers people around her and alternately as someone to be saved. However she is the best shot in the precinct and has lightning reflexes. She uses foul language and hates dirty cops. If she ever finds the guys who killer her parents, she plans to kill them. This is a secret everyone seems to know.

Marco - Matilda's Partner
Marco thinks of himself as smooth. He takes great pride in his professionalism and ability to spot a fake. Always neat and well put together he always seems ready. He always wears a vest. He expects collateral damage from his partner but will always back her up. He suspects Jake of being too close to his mob connections.


Inspector Diaz is a professional woman who has arrived. Cool, collected and confident she has wide respect and support from her fellow officers. Her wide net of consultants and ability to finesse political types giver her an edge in her homicide investigations. A college educated criminologist she's smart about building a case. The DA's office all like her.


Jake is an old school cop. He has been suspected of picking up "free money" from time to time but nothing was ever proved. He was part of a RICO squad and gained info on organized crime. He suspects Marco of being a mob plant. Matilda suspects him of being dirty. He has many informants.

Chief Barka

Up through the ranks he became an executive to make things work. Always a pragmatist, he juggles politics and the working cops. He knows his subordinates and superiors equally well. There is a gray area in National and global issues he knows is above his pay grade. When he can't trust rank, he trusts his intuition.

other characters to be developed include:
Psych Profiler - Monica Miller
Forensics Manager - Jasmine Kane
Director of police -
DA assistant
Mayor's Assistant - Roberto Sanchez
FBI, Homeland, CIA
Black Ops Corp - Broderick Anderson

Associated individuals

Veronica was short on talent but loved art. She did not need to be convinced of John’s greatness. She became the fabled patroness. Her joy in the lady bountiful role generated excitement among the wealthy class.

Bill Nash
An art critic working on a tell all book.
Light, Dark and Invisible (Money & Art)


EP 1 Killer
Career Criminal
Vendetta Criminal
Professional Killer
Professional Goon
Substance Related
Target Obsessed
True Believer



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