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Art Drama Notes

Begin openers with artist at a creative activity. Cut to bystander or significant character leading camera to murder discovery. Allow for several twist hand-offs to eventual victim or murder discovery.

Episode 1

Magnifying glass, microscope, contact microphone, laser reader, bug. Tracker, gloves, evidence bags, Tweezers, cuffs, audio recorder, sos beacon, clip on engagement link, bullet proof vest,

Door bursts open, cops rush in waving guns and shouting,

Two cops try door, knock on door announcing themselves, lock pick/force door, enter wearily

Individual listens at door, notices door open, wearily enters.

Sudden attack;
Figure from the shadows burst across the room
Gunman in shadows takes aim at unsuspecting victim
Gunman from car
Gun man on motorcycle
Car crashes into victims car
Car runs victims car off Road
Truck crashes into victim
Car crashes into victim

Installed keystroke logger

Flow chart for victims timeline

EUREKA moments

Comparison visuals matching evidentiary marks and objects creating marks.

Confession of motive is the reveal which gives body to the condemnation justifying the crime.

Backed into a corner.

Bathtub scene

Shocking surprise results from DNA test

Battle Royale Quan and John Square off in a battle of the Titans representing their unreconcilable differences. As this conflict unfolds villains on the sidelines take advantage of new weaknesses. Friends are shaken and consider lining up along new alliances.

What’s her special gift?
Speaking her mind openly.

AI Is a new episode starting a thread which contrasts John’s arch with artificial intelligence. The AI develops a personality which becomes more human and competes with John’s own humanity.

And isolated incident versus part of the larger conspiracy.


Regional thugs captain Gang

Link evidence on site to next cut to scene.

Use voice On site to next cut to seeing.

2° degrees of separation, a friend of a friend.

Blackmail Tragic loss of spouse, flashback

Make retaliation card

Int. Kidnaped room Marco and Quan are lashed to chairs in a small room. A masked person removes their hoods and they can see a television which is the only thing in the room. Tape over their mouth is removed. The television is turned on. They remain quiet, looking around the room and at each other. Finally Marco says Marco Looks like we found our purps. Lair. Quan says nothing. She tests her restraints with her arms and legs. Understanding she is tightly secured, she relaxes and listens for any identifying sound.

Int. Kidnaped room 2
The television crackles and an electronically disguised voice speaks.
Welcome. We are cabal.

Introduction notes :
Openers 1st crime of each episode.
The opening scene is always most important and must be treated as a production project in itself.

Action in travel to locations
1 in screenplay
2 added on 2nd draft
3 becomes a sub-story

Many locations are in Manhattan and may use stock cover footage

Spy class
Don’t step on anyone’s toes
Dead drop
Test for comrades loyalty

Colored marks on floor

Corporate private eye

Activate Veronica

Choose art group individual for secret ops

Cop land, budding romance

Revisit crime scene in normal business hours

Friends in high places

High profile associates

Falsification of identity

Matilda and Quan on motorcycle

It wasn’t that, it was this, how did I miss it.?

E*TRADE partner, in hostage standoff

Bee trade partner in hostage standoff.

Unfortunately one of the spinoff businesses is laundering the identity of rich kids.

Beat change - accompanied music

Perpetrator discovers tragic irony of Miss directed vendetta.

Partners remark Sparks deep freeze

Witness realizes they are under suspicion.

Officer realizes subordinance has betrayed them

Perpetrator realize is partner has betrayed them

Child realizes they are abandoned

Victim realizes they are abandoned

Villain realizes they are cornered

Trapped breaks free

The victims have a party
Victimization institutionalized in support group

Protocol for when a police department or unit is suspected of corruption.
1- isolation from new critical evidence
2- search and seizure of records and evidence and suspension of central parties
3- infiltration with undercover agent

Restraining order, .. how’s that working out?

I’m a sensitive person. I can’t do anything very bad, because I would feel terrible about it. So I don’t do anything that’s going to make me feel bad. But I am connected to the spirit world. That can sometimes present problems. The evil spirits hear everything. They are like the NSA, the CIA, KGB, and anything else you can think of. They just hear everything. The problem is sometimes they do a bad thing because they think it will please me. The reason they would like to please me is because I can do things for someone they like. Like make a nice painting for them. They love it when I make a nice painting for someone they like. Then there are the good spirits. Sometimes even though they’re good spirits they withhold a blessing from someone who has pissed them off. Honestly, it’s hard to tell which is worse. To be stripped of protection and at the mercy of everything in the world, or to have one evil thing done to you. In either case, I can’t control these things. The best I can do is make someone exposed aware of the possibilities.

Questioning witnesses; Did you see or hear anything when you were What was the time?

A reported accidental death which may be murder.

Analysis of how something happened as dynamica protocol

Digital flow chart app

Per distributors between floors 23 and 26 after disabling two cameras.

The cameras in the stairwell are working off a motion detector so they only record when I activity is detected. The placement of the helium balloons only registered as a momentary movement. The camera quickly coming on and going off could be read as a glitch. So there was no alert. This provided a surveillance free escape route. This looks like an opp. or a career criminal.

Autopsy report

On bringing in suspect and interview discover vehicle used by so and so, who is at large and on location currently investigated by so and so, who is unaware of subjects dangerous profile.

Warrant to seeze electronic equipment computers and hard drives.

Strand of hair, bandanna fabric thread

Helium filled balloons as surveillance camera blocking device.

How do you dump a body, why would you move a body, where would you choose to place the body?

A trusted friend
Riding on a bus I kept to myself and read my book. Getting off the bus I was met by a friend. A woman also on the bus also graded this friend. She said oh you know this guy, he said yeah he’s a great guy, she said oh I would’ve loved to of had someone to talk to on the bus. However if I had attempted to initiate a conversation without The introduction of a trusted friend I would simply have been a stranger hitting on a woman.

I am a privileged person. Shouldn’t you be privileged also? In our society, Individuals without privilege suffer a tragic fate.

Cockney rhyming;
Sheriffs posse, Nazi
Shines shoos, Booz
Elks club, thug
Open door, whore
Digging ditch, snitch
Barney rubble, struggle
Stein of beer, queer
Soda pop, cop

First victim perpetrator profile, entry and exit from the scene indicate a sophisticated individual. The stabbing indicates a former military or combat trained or correctional institution inmate history. The lack of fresh forensic evidence indicates an organized methodology. The lack of stealth in leaving a disturbed scene indicates an interrupted operation. The missing painting indicates it has a bearing on a crime or an identity. The fact that the victim had brought the painting indicates a prearranged meeting. The lack of a scheduled meeting indicates a secret meeting.

Antagonist for dias

Working theory

Shiny boots, indicating executive rank or gung-ho commitment of a military . Shiny shoos a corporation exec or goon.

Let’s talk about economics. Which do you think is cheaper? To bring a lawsuit against an individual, or to hire a contract killer to eliminate them?

The gallery corporation brainless and in Junction against the police obtaining hard drives.

Uncontrollable emotion

Unconsolable emotion.

Extreme emotions

Murder is not the conclusion of a rational mind. Permanent winter Fix 3rd murders

And what will you do?
Whatever it is, it will be physical and irreversible.

Response to wager suggestion, My bed is not available for sport

Hint of possible romance between John and Diaz

Executive officer used bogus arest to pressure subordinate into falling in line

Art group family meal, storytelling, spiritual observance, siblings banter, visiting elders

I will not let my friend be trashed like this.

Emotional beat elements;
Fight or flight
Scenes with children

Individual from hiding taking pictures
Individual from hiding recording audio
Individual wearing a wire
Individual wearing wire cam
Individual with laptop
John’s crew
Duo with laptop
Duo in van
Remote media center via wireless
Official network coordinated by police agency, satellite
Seeing purps, cops jumped out of the car and pursue at a dead run. (Chase scene #1a)

Chase scenes, specialized script sections for chase chains which are detailed to specific locations and can easily be adapted - these sections are without dialogue and accompanied by chase music.

Villain attribute list
Single individual villain working alone.
Two villains working alone.
Three villains working alone.
Single villain with network.
A gang of villains.
A sophisticated conspiracy.

What kind of bravery drags the innocence into the line of fire.

Combination of flash mob and art happening

Don’t let motive obscure the facts. Find all the facts and the motive will emerge.

Your mind is playing tricks on you.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Red herring, faults lead, Miss direction,

zoning board conflict

right of way

he'd do anything for her

trained crow / animals

the talk down, ending the nystery

doner list murders

toxicology report



Refuse Nick, devils advocate, a contrary, obsessive obstructor,

Contract for placement of works of art to be used as production props.

Twist for biography- publisher suse artist for Unauthorized bio

My eyes only.

Scott Pilhrim bs the world -fight satire

Cocknie Code
Brown bread, dead
China plate, mate
Stein of beer, queer
Elephant’s trunk. (drunk)
apples and pears (stairs)
far and near, (beer)
I'm afloat, (coat)

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