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Art Drama Threads

A "Thread" is a contionous sequence of plot events which may extend over many episodes. It may be connected to a character, location, conspiracy, or crimes perpetrated by a comunity.

As an example, Dirty Bomb thread.
This may be an on-going issue which re asserts a cadre of characters, locations, and supporting crimes in various episodes.

John & Kwon (the great love story)
This is the heart of the series. A strong young woman and an intuitave man with no memory venture intoa dangerious world.

Diaz's romance with John

Gall Directors shady business

Art House Gallery

John's Learning Curve

John's visions

John & Diaz

Alice & Zoe spook

Alice & Regi

ABD Corp Fallout 1, 2, 3 Arch

3- Perfect White 1 new recrutes, 2, 3-vanish, Arch

5- EcoArt Murders 1, 2, 3 Arch

4- Mastermind Murders 1, 2, 3 Arch

6- New World Disorder 1, 2, 3 Arch

Matilda & David

Copland Villians review

Greek Connection

Psych & insights Monica, Shandra, Kassandra

David Assignments

Nash's Tell All Book

Matilda's Vendetta

Panama Papers

Spooks Agenda

BGH Corp Black Ops

The Black gloved Woman

Cyber Stuff Cafe

Serial Blackmailer

Kwon's Ninja Connection
A varied group of dojo students, allyes, and past associates from the martial arts community function as severalence, stelth entry and extraction, thug nutralization, safe house guards, stelth assult team

FBI Investigations

The Milatery Agenda

Political Manipulations

Arch Criminal Mastermind

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