
The Spiral Escalator       Spanish

The Spiral Escalator (La Escalera De Caracol)

The spiral escalator stops at the mirror of your dreams
There are no explanations for the visions
There are no apologies for the pain
There is only the certainty
That you will awaken with memories
Which will haunt you all of your days.

The nude maiden wearing only
The sunlight of a Mediterranean sky
Drops your ladder into the well of the souls
Laughter bubbles to the surface,
She bids farewell as the clouds roll in
Thunder echoes across your page.

The tortured prophet recants your fate
Your lover denies she felt anything at all,
Your teachers never knew your name
You are alone, the cascade effect
Strips you of your defenses,
Like the maiden.

You are naked, only the mad mans ravings remain in a world
Bartered, betrayed, sold, compromised,
Abandoned and forlorn chaos is a comfort,
Promising the possibility of a new future
The thunder rumbles, then cracks as lightning
Leaps into a starry bole of galaxies
Waiting to be born.

You will not be destroyed by the light,
You will be reborn
The maiden pulls you up the ladder,
Into the Mediterranean sun.