Your choice of painting surface can have a profound effect on the success of your art, creating as much impact as paint or technique.
Plein Air Panels
Art Boards™ light weight ultra thin plein air painting panels are 1/16" thick and made in 3 different surfaces. Acrylic gessoed cotton canvas, oil primed Claessens linen, and gesso panels coated with Art Boards™ Superior Quality Panel Gesso. The canvas and linen is mounted with reversible conservators adhesive. The gesso panels are coated on both sides for balance. Perfect for the plein air artist who wants premium light weight panels that will occupy a minimum of space.
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What is a support material for our painting?
Video Lessons:
Making choices about a support material for our painting.
Preparing stretchers for a painting on canvas.
Preparing a hardboard panel for painting.
Preparing a stretched canvas for painting.
Preparing an unstretched canvas for scroll painting.