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"A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses, particularly involving telepathy or clairvoyance, or who performs acts that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws. Although many people believe in psychic abilities, the scientific consensus is that there is no proof of the existence of such powers, and describes the practice as pseudoscience. The word "psychic" is also used as an adjective to describe such abilities."

From Wikipedia


"As an artist, my study and practice includes both physical, mental, and spiritual parts." - River

Harry Houdini

Houdini was a famous illusionist, escape artist, and psychic fake buster. I became aware that he possessed extraordinary mind body skills central to his practice. This led me to Kundalini yoga.
I had no problem with his fake busting. While individuals using trickery to fool the perceptions of anyone is obviously a fraudulent practice, I do believe there are sensitive or gifted people who may be helpful to someone with questions. The presence of issues about money, always highlights the need for a clear awareness of truth.


My mind - body awareness started as an athlete. The zone, or focused awareness was a necessary skill or ability for high functioning success.
Meditation and Chakra energy transformation seemed a natural form of study to enhanse mind-body awareness.


My interest in the history of Shamanism and how it relates to seeing, and art as well as modern psychic healing has led me to a wealth of insights into how we perceive the world and ourselves. As a basic reference the best single author framing this topic was, Shamanism the Beginnings of Art – 1967 by Andreas Lommel (Author).

The Call

At the age of 12 or 13 I experienced a dramatic altered state which I later would learn was referred to as "The Call." My family were all away. I noticed the front door was open. That was odd but even more odd was a golden light which was streaming through the door. The light was fascinating and as I stepped into it, I felt what seemed a song or ecstatic unification of being. A euphoria or joy of being able to sense the event of shared creation. Trees, wind, animals, sounds, all in a harmony of symphonic likeness. The experience left me with a secret of life. I did not tell family or friends. They would not believe it. There was no desire to relate it. I was grateful to have that experience.


In the late 60's and most of the 70's I studied Tarot, Astrology and Runes. The histories and cultural contexts were very interesting. As a practice of awareness, they seemed a stepping stone to individual intuitive tuning. I did few readings of individuals, but many on issues and consciousness. Periodically people have asked my opinions on questions facing them.

In all the readings and consultations I have engaged in "fortune telling" had no part. The energy readings were on state of being, path forward and focus on concerns. Consultations spanned common sense, practical suggestions, strategic logic, and personalized programs. Perception is always critical in coming to conclusions we trust to act on. Understanding our limitations brings balance to framing the information we gather.


As an artist, respect for intuition is a cornerstone of discovery.

Indigenous Peoples

My understanding is that "Indigenous" is a general term meaning (A people of the land.) That is to say, their culture has strong creation mythology and spiritual practices connecting land, life, and afterlife. My study of indigenous art and shamanic practices makes me think there is one true story told in various local languages. The universe loves originality and the ways in which tribes and cultures make the experience of life their own is amazing.
Information passed down by indigenous peoples has been a most valuable source for my discovery of spirit and concepts of life. My opinion is that a unified planet must reconcile relations with indigenous peoples. You can learn more here.

Studies in Metaphysics

Martín Prechtel         Sandra Ingerman         Francis of Assisi         George Gurdjieff         P. D. Ouspensky         Rudolf Steiner         Arthur Schopenhauer         Helena Blavatsky         Franz Brentano         Wilhelm Dilthey         G W F Hegel         Goethe ('Ger-ta')         Abraham Maslow         Immanuel Kant         Aristotle         Plato         Sigmund Freud         Carl Jung         William Shakespeare         Lao Tzu         Confucius         Gautama Buddha         Jesus         Swami Abhedananda         Franz Mesmer         José Silva         Abbé Faria         Tukaram         Heraclitus         Swami Ramdas         Yogi Ramsuratkumar         Muhammad         Gaia         The Walled Garden of Truth


"Physician, heal thyself" Many healers discover methods improving health or repairing damage out of their own efforts at self improvement.

At one time I worked with a group interested in focused psychic perception along the lines of Edger Casey. They would describe a "case" in which a health problem of an individual was the subject. A control person would guide the serer while in trance. The session was comprised of location and identification of subject and health issue, diagnosis of issue, formulation of energy to correct the disturbance, and projection of healing energy. It was an intense experience which had the side effect of increased dream activity and intuitive acuteness. Later experiences in shamanic healing and high focus meditation led me to the conclusion that various religious prayers for healing were similar events viewed through cultural dialectics.

Visualization is a process of contacting the deep mind. It is often used in health focused process for engaging positive goals. Motivational learning and behavior adjustment also uses visualization as a tool. Guided visualization is a training exercise to aid an individual in focus. In many practices a mantra, or meditation might be given by a teacher. Similar to someone having a panic attack and focusing on a calm loving image to subdue the out of balance energy, visualization can bring positive benefit.

Death and Rebirth

In 1971 after experiencing a tumultuous period of psychic storms and emotional upheaval, I resolved the crisis with Ego death. This process re-crystallized the structure of the Ego much as a glass might be melted and re-cast into a more refined vessel.


One description related to me by a Native American shaman was that, a medicine-man was a healer. A sorcerer in contrast was a weaponized spirit worker doing damage for personal power.

Dream Time Space

Dream Time
Dream Time2
According to Aboriginal belief
"all life as it is today - Human, Animal, Bird and Fish is part of one vast unchanging network of relationships which can be traced to the great spirit ancestors of the Dreamtime."

Ecstatic Trance

trance-vs-hypnosis 'It was called ecstatic because it was first arrived at through dance, drumming, and general hoopla."

"hypnagogic state", is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep.

Artistic trance is a state of hyper awareness resulting from a step escalation in perception and assimilated complexity into a coherent overview. Often after a prolonged work period where issues of non-verbal relationships such as color, shape, form and space, an accumulated awareness manifests as an intuitive consciousness.


Inspiration is an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary, musical, visual or other artistic endeavour. The concept has origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism. The Greeks believed that inspiration or "enthusiasm" came from the muses, as well as the gods Apollo and Dionysus.

Inspiration is an important part of my life and work. I recommend to any artist that they respect and endeavor to become familiar with the nature of their inspiration.


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