Original Scroll Painting S 2 , Acrylic on Canvas , 30"x 40" , 2015
by Glen River , Signature: On Back ,
$ 4000 Special: $ 3100
saving $900 or $ 2000 whith Residual Rights agreement .
Note of imperfection:
There are several "ripples" or wave like, unevenness in the canvas 4" or 5" from the bottom. It is possible that they will disappear after prolonged hanging, however they may not. They have remained after 3 weeks of hanging. Those collectors who would be disturbed by this imperfection should select another work of art.
The S 2 chakra painting is unique in that it does not display the top two chakras. This is a reference to a breathing and energy transferring process which ends in an exhale at the throat chakra. In the practice of Kundalini yoga, raising energy through the Chakras to the top chakra produces in an uncontrolled flow. This results in a racing mind and agitated body. By bringing the energy to the throat chakra and using the exhale to release excess energy, the mind and body remain Calm.

Chakra - C7c , Acrylic on Paper , 14"x 20" , 2014
Signature: On Back
Un-Framed Special price
$ 1800 Special: $ 1300
saving $500

C-19-1 , 11"x 14" acrylic on canvas, 2019
Gallery-Wrap Special price
$ 1700 Special: $ 1200
saving $500 (good till end of November)

"Wall Art" Special price discount
code: MZKMNA $15 off
(good till end of 2019)
30% off coupon code is VC29M
Good till February 8, 2020

Screen Savers

Yoga Mats



